Protractor desk
Protractor desk

protractor desk

Step 1 − In the first step, we need to write the tests. The working of Protractor can be understood with the help of following steps − Protractor, the testing framework, works in conjunction with Selenium to provide an automated test infrastructure for simulating a user’s interaction with an AngularJS application that is running in browser or mobile device. That is why we can say that most of the frameworks focus on conducting unit tests for AngularJS applications, Protractor used to do testing of the actual functionality of an application. Here, the importance of Protractor comes into existence because Protractor on the top of Selenium can handle and control those extended HTML elements in AngularJS web applications. which are not included in Selenium locators.

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Protractor desk driver#

The question here is that why Selenium Web Driver is not able to find AngularJS web elements? The reason is because AngularJS applications are having some extended HTML attributes like ng-repeater, ng-controller and ng-model etc. Most of the times it becomes very difficult to capture the web elements in AngularJS applications, uses extended HTML syntax to express web application components, by using JUnit or Selenium WebDriver. The task of testers becomes difficult when JavaScript increases in size and becomes complex for applications due to the increasing number of the applications itself. Why Protractor?Īs we know that almost all the applications are using JavaScript for development. The design of Protractor is built in such a way that it tests all layers such that web UI, backend services, persistence layer and so on of an application. The biggest advantage to the Protractor was the maturity of Selenium project and it wraps up its methods so that it can be easily used for Angular projects. And it couldn’t deal with things like popups and multiple windows, navigating the browser history, stuff like that.” Your login page is not an Angular page, and the Scenario Runner couldn’t deal with that. We needed to test things like logging in. “We tried using Scenario Runner and we found that it really just couldn’t do the things that we needed to test. This further became the motivation to build Protractor, specially to fill the gaps − Julie Ralph, the prime contributor to the development of Protractor, had the following experience with Angular Scenario Runner on other project within Google. A question that arises here is why do we need to build Protractor? To understand this, we first need to check about its predecessor - Scenario Runner. Basically, the origin of Protractor starts with the end of Scenario Runner. Selenium − It simply automates the browser.Īs said earlier, Protractor is a replacement for the existing AngularJS E2E testing framework called “Angular Scenario Runner”. WebDriver JS − It is a Node JS bindings implementation for selenium 2.0/WebDriver. We can write the tests easily with Jasmine. Jasmine − It is basically a behavior-driven development framework for testing the JavaScript code. Protractor − As discussed earlier, it is a wrapper over WebDriver JS especially designed for angular apps. Observe that in the above diagram, we have − The following diagram will give a brief overview of Protractor −

protractor desk

It allows us to test our application just like a real user because it runs the test using an actual browser. Along with testing of AngularJS application, it also writes automated regression tests for normal web applications. It also works as a solution integrator that combines powerful technologies such as NodeJS, Selenium, Jasmine, WebDriver, Cucumber, Mocha etc. It also serves as a replacement for the existing AngularJS E2E testing framework called “Angular Scenario Runner”. It was built by Google on the top of WebDriver. Protractor is an open source end-to-end testing framework for Angular and AngularJS applications. This chapter gives you an introduction to Protractor, where you will learn about the origin of this testing framework and why you have to choose this, working and limitations of this tool.

Protractor desk